請依照句子裡面的時間副詞來決定要使用的時態,依序填入正確的 ride 時態到至空白處:
- I ride my bike to school every day.
- I am riding my bike right now.
- I rode my bike to school yesterday.
- I will ride my bike to school tomorrow.
- I have ridden my bike to school two times so far today.
- I have been riding my bike to school since this morning.
- I had ridden my bike for an hour before I fell off.
- I had been riding my bike for an hour when I fell off.
- I will have ridden my bike for three days before I get there.
1. "every day" 每天,我每天騎腳踏車上學 (現在簡單式表示習慣動作)
2. "right now" 現在 (現在進行式)
3. "yesterday" 昨日 (過去簡單式)
4. "tomorrow" 明天 (未來簡單式 )
5. "two times so far today" 今天到此為止已經有過2次 (現在完成式 )
6. "since this morning" (and I'm still riding it) 從早上開始到現在 (現在完成進行式 )
7. "for an hour before I fell off” 在我跌倒之前長達一小時 (過去完成式 )
8. "for an hour when I fell off" 當我跌倒之前已經一小時 (過去完成進行式 )
9. "for three days before I get there" 在我到達那裡之前將滿三天 (未來完成式 )